The Sola Gratia Life Recommends…

Note: This is a running list that you can refer back to. Subscribe to our newsletter to get notified when it is freshly updated. (Last Updated: 2/9/2023)

(All of the listed below are in no particular order)

Modern-Day Preachers & Authors:

Conrad Mwebe

Nathan Busenitz

Harry Walls

Virgil Walker

Scott Aniol

Carl Hargrove

Owen Strachan

Ken Ham

Phil Johnson

Richard P. Belcher

Josh Buice

Jonny Ardavanis

Modern-Day Preachers/Theologians Who Are Now In Heaven:

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Classical Preachers/Theologians (body of work before 1900s):

Charles Spurgeon

John Owen

John Calvin

Martin Luther

Jonathan Edwards

Thomas Watson

John Flavel

Jeremiah Burroughs

Thomas Brooks

J.C. Ryle

George Whitfield

Early Church “Influencers”:

Augustine of Hippo

Ireneus of Lyons

Ignatius of Antioch

Polycarp of Smyrna (a disciple of the Apostle John)

Podcasts & YouTubers On My Playlist:

Alisa Childers

Fierce Marriage (Ryan & Selena Frederick)

Long 4 Truth

Mama Bear Apologetics

The Lovesick Scribe (Dawn Hill)

For The Gospel

Podcasts & YouTube Channels That I’m Currently Assessing:

Shanda Fulbright

Natasha Crain

Authors/Preachers/Theologians/Media Creators That Requires A Little Side Note…

John Piper: I highly respect Dr. Piper for many reasons, and he is often edifying side by side with the likes of Tom Ascol, John MacArthur and others. In fact, Dr. MacArthur has said during his Strange Fire Conference panel that he not only highly respects Dr. Piper he genuinely loves him and considers him a dear Brother and close friend. Dr. Piper’s style of teaching is very intellectual and hermaneutical yet passionate and emotionally expressive. I especially enjoyed his YouTube video breakdowns of the whole book of Ephesians. His book “Providence” sits prominently on our bookshelf at home. I credit Dr. Piper’s articles about election and limited atonement on as the nudge I needed to solidify my being, indeed, a 5-point Calvinist. There are some things that “give me pause” (as I often hear him say in his sermons). Some of his beliefs does lean a bit towards the Charismatic, Continuationist teachings, albeit, less so now than a few years ago. Other than that consideration, I enthusiastically recommend anything by John Piper, especially his most recent stuff.